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Lawn Care Services, Lawn Treatment Solutions Blog

Signs of Moles in the Lawn

Moles can cause damage to a landscape, including turfgrass, small annual plants, and paver patios or walkways. They tunnel unseen through the top few inches of soil in search of prey, and leave a trail of damage behind them. In a lawn, the tunnels appear as narrow ridges that may have a small hole here or there where the mole popped its head out. In a lawn with a lot of mole activity, the surface may feel spongy as it is walked upon. These are tell-tale signs of…


Lawn Care Services, Lawn Treatment Solutions Blog

This frequently asked question often comes from a misconception that if the moss is gone then the grass will grow better.
In fact, the existence of moss is a clear indication of an environment that is optimum for growing moss and probably not good for growing turfgrass.
Moss is commonly thought to be a fungus or that it “chokes out” the grass. These are myths…


Lawn Care Services, Lawn Treatment Solutions Blog

Most Bermudagrass lawns have areas that are thin or bare, and naturally Crownover Green clients want to know if they should overseed or spot seed to make these areas thick and healthy like the rest of their lawn.
Before you decide what to do about the bare or thin areas you should first determine if your grass has adequate sunlight.
Often, the reason Bermudagrass becomes thin or bare is due to inadequate sunlight. Bermudagrass needs at least…


Lawn Care Services, Lawn Treatment Solutions Blog

Regardless of the type of turfgrass you have, one of the most important things you can do to help it grow healthy and green while minimizing weeds and fungal diseases is to mow it at its optimum height.
A common misconception exists among homeowners and some professional mowing services alike that the higher the grass is mowed, the healthier it will be. However, field studies indicate that there is an optimum mowing…


Lawn Treatment Solutions Blog

We often talk with clients about watering lawns (especially this time of year when it’s HOT, HOT, HOT) and the most frequently asked questions related to watering are:
 1. How often should I water my grass?
 2. How long should I run my sprinklers?
How often should I water my grass?
The answer to this question is simple: Usually not more than twice per week unless you are establishing a new lawn with sod or seed. More frequent watering…


Lawn Care Services, Lawn Treatment Solutions Blog

The controversy over the adverse health effects of Glyphosate, which is the main ingredient in Roundup, is well documented. It is also important to note that there may be even more toxic lawn chemicals than Glyphosate on the shelf at your garden center.
We at Crownover Green think there are good reasons to be cautious about spraying a toxic substance in areas where our loved ones (people and pets) relax and play. 
In general, we think it is a good idea to…


Lawn Care Services, Lawn Treatment Solutions Blog

Should I Bag My Clippings When I Mow?
It is usually (but not always) best to leave the clippings on the lawn.
Grass clippings decompose quickly and return nutrients to the soil. This can improve the appearance of your lawn without additional fertilizers. Mow as frequently as necessary to keep the clippings manageable by the natural decomposition process and your yard…